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Chemistry Teacher


  •  Expira 15/03/2025
  •  Panamá
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Detalle de la Oferta

Área de la Empresa Gobierno
Cargo Solicitado Otros empleos
Puestos Vacantes 1
Tipo de Contratación Tiempo completo
Nivel de Experiencia Sin experiencia
Salario máximo (USD)
Salario minimo (USD)
Vehículo Indiferente
País Panamá
Departamento Otro

Descripción de la Oferta

Descripción del Empleo

Provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences in the core academic subject area assigned to help them fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to function successfully in society.

Responsabilidades del Puesto

Planning, developing, and compiling a comprehensive chemistry educational program for students and delivering quality instructions to students, resulting in their overall development.

Requisitos del puesto

Science Major is required Chemistry
Training in STEM
Willingness and ability to work cooperatively on a teaching team.
Credential file documentation of successful attainment, excellent student teacher and/or teaching experiences.
Knowledge and interest in common assessments/teaching methods are necessary.
Computer/Technology knowledge such as Microsoft Office, Internet, E-Mail, on-line planning/grading program, etc. required.
Ability to work/teach virtually and/or in-person with an understanding of how to use Google Classroom and other online instructional tools.
Understanding of best practices in teaching used to increase student engagement, literacy, and student achievement/outcomes.
Salary according to professional background and experience.

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